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Sunday, September 7, 2008

English Translation Of Yoimum Valoila- Track 1 Of "A Pasheta Yid"

[Brackets indicate explanations or the yiddish word being translated]
(Parentises indicate implied words)

[Many phrases from the Gemara are sung by Lipa in the first part of the song. Here are these phrases translated]:

[Hu Gufa Kasha] This contains a contradiction in itself, [Gemara] Talmud, [Tosfas] [Literally]: Additions [ie:to Rashi] [Tosfas were composed by many scholars in different academies throughout the 12th and 13th centuries], [Rashi] Rabbi Shlomo Yitzchaki [Outstanding commentator of the Middle Ages],
[Laymu] To say, [Vi'E Taymuh] And if you say, [Hi'Nu Hach] Is not this the same case?,
[Ain Huchi Nami] Yes, it is really so, [Divrei Tana Kama] The words of the former quoted authorities,
[V'Ee Boi'Is Aimu] Or, if you prefer, say, [Remez] Hint/Intimation, [Rye'Ahs] Proofs, [S'Mach] A support.

[Maan D'Amar] The one who said, [Huchi Shaper K'Amar] This was said well,
[Ipcha Mstavrah] The opposite is logical, [Michdi] Let us see, [Ta Shema] Come, learn,
[Mai] What? [Heychi Dami] What is an example of this? [Vadai] Certainly, [Eee] If, [Mistama] Probably,
[Chavrach Is Leh Chavra] This friend has (another) friend [so the word is gonna spread], [Lama] Why? [Val Mah] And on What?/Which?

[Lav] No/Not, [Shma Mina] See from here,
[Mesvay] They challenged this from a Baraisa, [Acevay] He challenged him, [Hava Amina] I would have said,
[Bma Amreenan] When do we say this, [Tana] Taught, [Iss L'Hay] He has.
[Ka Mashmah Lun] He informs us,
[Inhu Bideedhu] They with theirs, [Anan Bdeedan] Us with ours,
[Bma Askeenan] What are we dealing with? [Tani Devay] The academy taught.

[Haich] How! [Me'Haichi Taysi] What is your basis,
[Mikra] Reading (from the scriptures), [Mishna] Teachings of Tanaim compiled by Rabbi Yehuda Hanassi (Also known as: Rebbe), [Shmasa] Teaching, [Braisa] Statements of Tanaim not included by Rebbe in the Mishna,
[Mayeekara] Originally, [Mai Ka Suver] What does he hold, [Amai] Why?
[Im Timseh Loimar] (Even) If you're going to say,
[Itmar] It was stated, [Tuhna] It was taught, [Tnan] We have learned, [V'Goimer] Etcetera (Etc.),
[B'Hadi Hadadi] Together, [Mai Kula Hai] Why all of this/Why so much.

For they are our life and the length of our days and about them we will study day and night.
For they are our life and the length of our days and about them we will study day and night.
For they are our life and the length of our days and about them we will study day and night.
For they are our life and the length of our days and about them we will study day and night.

[Tayku] (It) Stands (unresolved), It stands, Tishbi (Eliyahu Hanuvi) will answer (in the times of Moshiach) all questions and doubts.
It stands, It stands, Tishbi (Eliyahu Hanuvi) will answer (in the times of Moshiach) all questions and doubts.

[Sefarim, Rabbis, and things related to learning]:

[Chok L'Yisrael] A classical work with a daily study program that encompasses all areas of Torah study: Chumash, Na"ch, Mishnah, Gemara, Halachah, Kabbalah and Mussar, [Middos D'Rabi Yishmael] The rules of Rabbi Yismael (through which the Torah is elucidated),
[Klal Uprat Uklal] A general statement followed by a specification followed by another general statement, [Ksav, Bal Peh] Written, Oral, [Chazal] Chachamim Zechroinam L'Bracha.
Learning the daily [Daf] folio (two sides) in the Gemara, Babylonian Talmud, [Rambam] Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon (Great Jewish philosopher and codifier of Jewish law), And the Yerushalmi Talmud,
[Beis Yosef] Sefer by Rabbi Yosef Caro with a detailed commentary on the Tur Shulchan Aruch, [Ari] The Arizal (famous Kabbalist Rabbi Yitchak Luria. Arizal is an acronym for "The G-dly Rabbi Yitzchak of Blessed Memory."), [Zohar] (Book of) Splendor (widely considered the most important work of Kaballah), [Maharal] Moreinu Horav Loew (Rabbi Yehudah Loew ben Betzalel), [Ramchal] Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzato (Author Of Miseelas Yisharim).

[Rosh] Rabbenu Asher ben Yechiel (Rosh is an Acrynom for Rabbenu Asher), [Ritva] Rabbi Yom Tov ben Asevilli, [Ran] Rabbi Nissim ben Reuven, [Ravid] Rabbi Avraham Ben Dovid, [Rashba] Rabbi Shlomo ben Aderet, [V'Ramban] And Rabbi Moshe ben Nachman,
[Marik] Moirenu Harav Rebi Yosef Karo (Author of the Shulchan Aruch), [Mabit] Moshe ben Yoseph di Trani (the Elder), [Marid] Morenu Harav RebYeshayahu DTrani, Roof on top of Roof.
Ree, Ree, [Marsha] Rabbi Shmuel Eliezer Halevi Eidels. Marsha is the acrynom for "(Rabbenu) Our Teacher, Rabbi Shmuel Eidels"), [V'Rif] Rabbi Yitzchak ben Yakov Alfasi. Alfasi means "of Fes" in Arabic. He was born near Fes in Morocco. [Rashash] Morenu Harav Reb Shmuel ben Yoseph Strashun, [Maharam Shif] Morenu Harav Reb Meir Shif,
Mitzvahs, Rambam, [Semag] Rabbi Moshe ben Yakov of the small French town of Coucy. Author of Sefer Mitzvoth Godol. [Rasag] Reb Sa'adiah ben Yosef Gaon, [Taryag] 613 (mitzvahs).

For they are our life and the length of our days and about them we will study day and night.
For they are our life and the length of our days and about them we will study day and night.
For they are our life and the length of our days and about them we will study day and night.
For they are our life and the length of our days and about them we will study day and night.

[Torah] The 5 books of Moshe, [Nevi'im] Books of Prophets, [U'Kisuvim] And Writings,
[Tanaim] Sages of the Mishnaic period, [V'Amaraim] Sages of the Gemara,
[Rishonim] Torah authorities after the period of the Geonim (approximiately 1000-1500 C.E.), [V'Achronim] Leading Rabbis and Poskim (Jewish legal decisors) living from roughly the 16th century to the present.
And about them we will study day and night.

Do you hear, like this is the meaning!

[Kabalah] The mystical aspect of Judaism, [V'Chaseedus] A Haredi Jewish religious movement,
[Poskim] Jewish legal decisors, [Shailos] Questions [T'Shuvas] Answers,
[Halacha] Jewish Law, [V'Hadracha] Direction,
And about them we will study day and night.

[Pshat] Basic meaning, [Drush] Exegesis, [Kitzur] Abrigded, [Likut] compilation,
[Kal] Simple, [Eiyun] To look into, [M'vur] Explained, [M'Nukad] Vowelized,
[Mussar] Ethical works, [Hashkafa] Outlook, [Shmiras Halashan] Guarding language (from improper speech).
[Perush] Explanation, [Sod] Secret, [Dikdukim] Details, [Chilukim] Differences,
[Nigla] Reaveled, [Nistar] Hidden, [Sepuray Tzadikim] Stories of righteous people,
[Lamdin] Learner, [Shakdin] Studious, [Masmid] One who learns Torah constantly, [Charif] Sharp,
[Goan] Brilliant Genius.

For they are our life and the length of our days and about them we will study day and night.
For they are our life and the length of our days and about them we will study day and night.
For they are our life and the length of our days and about them we will study day and night.
[Tanu Rabanan] The Rabanan learned.

It stands, It stands, Tishbi (Eliyahu Hanuvi) will answer (in the times of Moshiach) all questions and doubts.
It stands, It stands, Tishbi (Eliyahu Hanuvi) will answer (in the times of Moshiach) all questions and doubts.
Tishbi (Eliyahu Hanuvi) will answer (in the times of Moshiach) all questions and doubts.

1 comment:

Originally From Brooklyn said...

Dude, I'm not saying but, come on. Please.